We’re glad you’ve chosen to find out more about foot of the cross (fxchurch). This information is the basic introduction to our church family. Since we have people coming to foot of the cross from many different backgrounds, this material is designed to help explain God, His global church family, extended church family, and our local fxchurch family.
We take commitment to God and His family seriously. We desire that all believers in Jesus be a member of a local bible believing church and if not ours we pray you would commit somewhere. Membership at fxchurch is a critical way of committing to God’s glorious work of telling His story in us and though us as a family of believers. Our goal for every person to becomes a member of God’s family, a local church family, and that they will actively move from the sidelines and commit to GO...KNO, SHO, GRO.
Part 03: 3 Essential Relationships
Part 05: fx Convictions: What Is Life's Story?
Part 06: fx Persuasions: Grace and Church
Part 07: fx Persuasions: Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Part 08: fx Persuasions: Evangelism, Missions, Education, Cooperation
Part 09: fx Persuasions: Social Order, Peace and War, Religious Liberty, The Family
Part 10: Our Membership Covenant
Part 11: What Do I Do After I Become a Member?