We encourage each person in the fxchurch church family to understand and pursue three essential relationships as we GO, KNO, SHO, and GRO.
To have an effective family, we must commit ourselves to our relationship to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit living for His glory. We encourage people to listen to the Holy Spirit and surrender to Jesus all according to God's the Father's plan. We should desire to be with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit spending time with God individually and collectively through Bible reading, prayer, worship, and obedience (GOD-MAN-ME-DO). We ask our family to prioritize and believe by faith that they will grow in their relationship with God through gathering: in our weekly service, in regroups, in individual discipleship through regroups, at special family (church) events, serving the Bloomington community, and inviting others into the family through Jesus.
Pursuing God will be fluid. To be a more effective church family, we will adjust our methods but never God’s clear message of who He is and who we are according to scripture.
We are a family that sees the potential given through the Holy Spirit to all believers to discover God’s design of living for His Glory. God’s design is for every believer to participate in becoming, serving, and building His global and local church family. We are a family that is constantly growing in understanding that none of us have “arrived” yet in our spiritual journey. We find ourselves in the "already but not yet" as we wait for Jesus’ return. We are here to spur one another on in our spiritual transformation through truth and grace by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are a church that sees the potential in all people and facilitates their discovery of God’s design for their life of living for His Glory. God’s desire is for the entire world, starting right where we are, to hear about Him and be invited into His family (Matthew 24:14). We are a church that is compassionate about people in our community. We actively look for ways to give, serve, and cooperate with others both where we are and to the ends of the earth. We desire to call others to surrender their lives and be adopted into the family by our Heavenly Father through Jesus.
Biblical health is revealed and grown through simple investments of our TIME, TALENT, TREASURE, AND TESTIMONIES (The 4T’s) in accordance with God as revealed in His word. At fx church, we use GO...KNO, SHO, GRO to try to help us simply think through our relationship investments.
This investment process is Grace + Truth over TIME. There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth just as there are no short cuts to physical, intellectual, or emotional growth.