
Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard…

Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes #2023



Lord we pray that You would help us in our study of Ecclesiastes to be in awe of You and obey Your ways. We recognize that all things under the sun are temporal, futile, and meaningless, but not the things of eternity. We recognize that no amount of intellect, wisdom, pleasure, relationships, or power will ever satisfy our eternal longings. When All Has Been Heard…Lord help us arrive at Solomon’s conclusion of the matter: enjoy life in You, fear You, and keep Your commands, because this is for all humanity. May we find what Solomon found that a good NAME is better than fine perfume, and the day of one’s death than the day of one’s birth. May we see that at the NAME of Jesus (Yahweh saves) every knee will bow- of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth -and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. It is that NAME that we are given a new NAME. Amen.

Study Questions

"A Name”

Solomon would have had the pressure of being King David’s son and seemingly illegitimate heir. However, Solomon believed in the God of Israel and was given the kingship and supernatural wisdom from God (2 Chronicles 1:10, 1 Kings 3:12). He became the most powerful, wealthy, and desirable king of the world. Even though Solomon misused that wisdom, abused his position of authority, and clung to relational idolatry (1 Kings 11:1-2), God never took away his wisdom (Ecclesiastes 2:3), and that allowed Solomon to see the meaninglessness of life and give us the conclusion of the matter (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

God had Solomon write 3 books as a picture of life. His first book, likely written when he was young, was Song of Solomon about youthful passion and relationship. His second book, likely written in midlife, was Proverbs about the importance of living with wisdom not just passionate feeling. His final book written near the end of his life was Ecclesiastes about the futility of it all and reality of life.

READ Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 12:13-14, Luke 12:15-35

  1. Solomon observes a great tragedy. People spend so much time in this life trying to make a NAME for themselves through accomplishments, honor, and wealth yet it all passes away. What conclusion do Solomon (12:13-14) and Jesus (Luke 12:15-35) tell us we should come to realize? How should our lives change as a result of the realization?

READ Ecclesiastes 6:3-6, 2:25-26, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Isaiah 65:14-15, 56:4-5

  1. What do these verses says about our NAME?
  2. What do these verses say the answer is for our lives if we do not want our NAMES to be shrouded in darkness but want to have joy in this life?

READ Ecclesiastes 6:7-12

  1. Solomon asks like we all do, “What is the advantage for man? For who knows what is good for man in life, in the few days of his futile life that he spends like a shadow? Who can tell man what will happen after him under the sun?”
    1. How do these other verses **Exodus 34:5-7, John 14:1-5, John 1:11-14, Isaiah 62:2, Revelation 2:17** answer Solomon’s 3 questions?
    2. What do these verses tell us about God’s NAME and our NAME? Why is that important?

READ Ecclesiastes 7:1, Romans 10:9-13, Philippians 2:5-11

  1. Solomon says a good NAME is better than fine perfume. NAME in Hebrew is shem and perfume is shemen. A good shem is better than expensive precious shemen. A good NAME will last better than a perfume which has an ability to attract others initially and cover up the stench but will not last.
    1. How does the NAME of Jesus (Yahweh saves) last while the other things we use to attract and cover up will not?
    2. We are always trying to make a NAME for ourselves or someone else in this life. How should we, like Jesus, allow God to make a NAME for ourselves?

READ Ecclesiastes 7:2-4, Matthew 5:4