Budget Highlights

  1. $168,100 budget for 2025
  2. increase of 14% over 2024 budget, or +20.6K
  3. continue to give 15% outside to partnerships, global missions, missions offerings, church planting, and local front line ministries in outside missions giving
  4. standard 2.5% staff COLA (based on Social Security COLA since 2000)
  5. equity raise of 5% to several positions to better align with salary surveys
  6. increase of hours to several positions to account for church growth
  7. increase in facility costs to purchase additional chairs
  8. additional funds for hospitality and fellowship to account for church growth

Budget Summary

The 2025 budget of $168,100 represents a 14% increase over 2024. It includes a standard staff COLA (cost of living adjustment), equity and hours increases to several positions, and covers an increase in facility costs for chairs and hospitality/fellowship to account for church growth.

The General Offering includes both tithes and offerings, and is considered charitable giving for tax purposes by members, regular attenders and a few outside supporters. Fifteen percent of the General Offering goes to gospel missions causes outside of fxchurch. Other income includes giving from our partnerships as well as non-charitable giving where goods and services are provided. None of our other income is used for missions. We take an annual Missions offering to support in-house mission trips and summer missions, and 100% is used for this purpose.

Regarding the expense side, we at fxchurch give 15% of the general fund to outside missions causes (GO). We can invest in kingdom work because we aren't making interest payments for brick and mortar. Our normal breakdown includes the following, but may be adapted as needed based on changing partnership dynamics. Missions giving includes national/state (7%) and local (3%) partnerships, direct support for global missions (1%), national missions (1%), and state missions (0.5%), as well as supporting area church planting (1%) and other local opportunities (1.5%) such as addiction recovery programs, pregnancy crisis, and homeless relief.

Our fixed costs (KNO) include a 15% increase over 2024. We are budgeting for an increase in 50 chairs to accommodate growth. Our staff will receive a 2.5% COLA (cost of living adjustment), which is the average Social Security COLA benefit since 2000. Several positions will be granted a 5% equity increase to better align with market salary surveys, as well as some part time hours increases to keep up with growth happening within the church. The pastor housing listed (Minister’s Housing Allowance or MHA) represents a tax-friendly cash compensation category covered under IRS “Tax Topic 417: Earnings for Clergy,” and is line item-ed within our budget to show congregational approval in order to meet IRS guidelines. We have updated our pastoral titles to recognize Associate Pastor roles over specific duties. Finally, we will be licensing and ordaining Luke Bilotta before year’s end to enact the title change and authorize MHA for 2025.

Our discretionary spending (SHO and GRO) shows small adjustments to a few categories, including raising hospitality and fellowship to keep up with church growth.

Budget Approval

$168.1K budget vote by Nov 30 at midnight. Click here to vote.

Budget Summary

CATEGORY 2024 2025
TOTAL INCOME $147,500 $168,100
General Fund $140,000 $160,000
Other Income $5,000 $5,600
Missions Offering $2,500 $2,500
TOTAL EXPENSE $147,500 $168,100
GO (Missions 15%) $21,000 $24,000
KNO (Fixed) $114,150 $131,350
Administrative $6,000 $6,000
Facility $7,305 $9,250
Staff $100,845 $116,100
Non Housing $54,389 $55,461
Lead Pastor $18,000 $18,000
AP of Arts & Business $17,035 $17,973
AP of Missions & Youth $4,615 $9,228
AP of College & Comms $6,806 $15,438
SHO $7,000 $7,000
Appreciation $500 $100
Collegiate $1,500 $1,500
Communications $1,500 $1,500
Hospitality $500 $900
Mission Trips $2,500 $2,500
Outreach $500 $500
GRO $5,350 $5,750
Arts $3,000 $3,000
Discipleship $300 $300
Fellowship $800 $1,200
Kids $750 $750
Youth $500 $500