Budget Summary

The 2021 budget of $125,000 is our lowest since 2017, and reflects the practical reality of ministry in a COVID era. Regarding income projections, we are encouraged by continued steady giving and anticipate no changes in our "General Offering," which includes both tithes and offerings, and is considered charitable giving for tax purposes by members, regular attenders and a few outside supporters.

"Other Income" includes giving from association partnerships as well as non-charitable giving where goods and services are provided. Partner giving has dropped due to Lifeway no longer supporting collegiate ministry (and shuttering all 170 stores). Also, our need to budget "Other Income" for Chouse utilities (income from the renter) has dropped substantially as the property is sitting vacant and we are putting a motion before members to sell the property (see below). Our final income category of "Missions," has been set to zero. Whereas we normally take an annual Missions offering to support in-house mission trips and summer missions, we anticipate short term missions trips to be on hold for 2021.

Regarding the expense side, at fxchurch, we will continue to give 15% of the General Fund to outside missions causes. We can invest in kingdom work because we aren't making interest payments for brick and mortar. Missions giving includes national/state (7%) and local (3%) partnerships, direct support for global missions (1%), national missions (1%), and state missions (0.5%), as well as supporting area church planting (1%) and other local opportunities (1.5%) such as addiction recovery programs, pregnancy crisis, and homeless relief.

Our fixed costs will be lower this year, including less rent (less hours) and not pouring money into the Chouse. The staff will not be receiving COLA (cost of living adjustment) for 2021. In our discretionary spending, collegiate ministry is lower due to losing Lifeway support. We are also not planning on a Missions Offering (and associated line item cost). We've leveled out some of the other line items, as an example not needing as much in Hospitality (not serving food due to COVID) and putting it into Outreach.

The Chouse

The final thing to cover in the 2021 budget planning and member vote, is the "Chouse" property located at 4434 S Walnut St Pike, Bloomington IN 47401. We have been a steward of this property since 2009, and were granted ownership by the White River Baptist Association in 2017. Over the past ten years we have been pleased to allow staff, members, summer interns, and those preparing for ministry to live here rent free (for the cost of utilities).

Our staff has recently come to the decision that being landlords and owning property is not consistent with our mission and vision, and has created sideways energy. We would like to bring before our membership a motion to sell the property and retain the cash for future use consistent with our mission and vision, and will involve our members in any decisions using the proceeds.


$125K budget and Chouse sale unanimously approved on January 10, 2021.

2021 Budget

CATEGORY 2021 2022 %
INCOME $136,000 $125,000 -8%
General Fund $120,000 $120,000
Other Income $12,000 $5,000
Missions $4,000 $0
EXPENSE $136,000 $125,000 -8%
GO 15% $18,000 $18,000 0%
KNO $104,500 $99,500 -5%
Administrative $6,000 $5,000 -17%
Facility $13,780 $10,379 -25%
Total Staff $84,720 $84,121 -1%
Non Housing $49,012 $48,413
Lead Pastor Housing $18,000 $18,000
Assoc. Pastor Housing $14,495 $14,495
Youth Pastor Housing $3,213 $3,213
SHO $8,400 $2,400 -71%
Collegiate $3,000 $1,000
Communications $600 $600
Hospitality $600 $300
Mission Trips $4,000 $0
Outreach $200 $500
GRO $5,100 $5,100 0%
Arts $3,000 $3,000
Classes $100 $100
Fellowship $300 $300
Groups $200 $200
Kids $500 $750
Youth $1,000 $750
ZERO $0 $0