Budget Summary

The 2020 budget of $136,000 is largely unchanged over 2019. There are no changes to income projections, including 2019 amounts for General Offering, Other Income, and Missions. The General Offering includes both tithes and offerings, and is considered charitable giving for tax purposes by members, regular attenders and a few outside supporters. Other income includes giving from our national, state, and local partnerships as well as non-charitable giving where goods and services are provided. We take an annual Missions offering to support in-house mission trips and summer missions.

At fxchurch, we are able to give 15% of the General Fund to outside missions causes. We can invest in kingdom work because we aren't making interest payments for brick and mortar. Missions giving includes national/state (7%) and local (3%) partnerships, direct support for global missions (1%), national missions (1%), and state missions (0.5%), as well as supporting area church planting (1%) and other local opportunities (1.5%) such as addiction recovery programs and homeless relief.

The small changes within the 2020 budget involves some juggling between Administrative, Facility, and Staff, however the total of these three KNO categories is unchanged, as are the GRO and SHO line items and totals. Our admin costs are up due to increased accounting overhead and insurance premiums. Facility costs have dropped as some maintenance work was completed in 2019. Our 1% staff increase includes a 2.5% COLA for pastoral staff.


$136K budget unanimously approved on December 29, 2019.

2020 Budget

CATEGORY 2019 2020 %
INCOME $136,000 $136,000 0%
General Fund $120,000 $120,000
Other Income $12,000 $12,000
Missions $4,000 $4,000
EXPENSE $136,00 $136,00 0%
GO 15% $18,000 $18,000 0%
KNO $104,500 $104,500 0%
Administrative $4,500 $6,000 33%
Facility $16,265 $13, 780 -15%
Total Staff $83,735 $84,720 1%
Non Housing $43,132 $49,012
Lead Pastor Housing $21,000 $18,000
Assoc. Pastor Housing $14,107 $14,495
Student Pastor Housing $5,496 $3,213
SHO $8,400 $8,400 $0
Collegiate $3,000 $3,000
Communications $600 $600
Hospitality $600 $600
Mission Trips $4,000 $4,000
Outreach $200 $200
GRO $5,100 $5,100 0%
Arts $3,000 $3,000
Classes $100 $100
Fellowship $300 $300
Groups $200 $200
Kids $500 $500
Youth $1,000 $1,000
ZERO $0 $0