Budget Highlights

The 2018 budget of $142,000 reflects a total increase of 24% over 2017. For the General Fund we are forecasting a modest 10% growth over 2017 actual receipts plus doing a one-time 10K ask in order to accomplish four priorities that might not otherwise be possible. James 4:2 says "You do not have because you do not ask" so we are asking for help with these priorities which include online kids curriculum, a roof for the Chouse property we were given in 2017, 120 padded chairs (old chairs to be gifted to the Banneker), and sound improvements. Other income includes partner giving to support our ministry, and is dropping 15% due to one partner rolling off to support another new work.

We are continuing to give 15% of the General Fund to missions causes outside of fxchurch. Missions giving includes national/state (7%) and local (3%) partnerships, support for global missions via the Lottie Moon (1%), Annie Armstrong (1%), and Indiana State Missions (0.5%) offerings, as well as supporting church planting in Tipton (1%) and other local opportunities (1.5%) such as addiction recovery programs and homeless relief. In addition 100% of a special missions offering will go to supporting in-house mission trips, with a goal of $1,500. Increased facility costs include roof and chairs, and increase in rent for gathering youth. Staff increase is due to hiring additional staff including a youth pastor and intern at large. A 2.5% COLA has also been included.


$142K budget unanimously approved on January 7, 2018.

2018 Budget

CATEGORY 2017 2018 %
INCOME $114,200 $142,000 24%
General Fund $96,500 $125,500 30%
Other Income $17,700 $15,000 -15%
Missions $0 $1,500
EXPENSE $114,200 $142,000 24%
GO 15% $14,475 $18,825 30%
KNO $92,355 $109,975 19%
Administrative $5,832 $5,400 -7%
Facility $9,600 $13,360 39%
Total Staff $76,923 $91,215 19%
Non Housing $42,063 $50,646
Lead Pastor Housing $17,500 $17,500
Assoc. Pastor Housing $13,360 $13,729
Student Pastor Housing $4,000 $4,000
Youth Pastor Housing $0 $5,340
SHO $3,970 $5,700 44%
BCM $3,000 $3,000
Communications $370 $600 62%
Hospitality $600 $600
Mission Trips $0 $1,500
GRO $3,400 $7,500 121%
Classes $100 $100
Creative Arts $1,800 $5,000 178%
Fellowship $300 $300
Kids $600 $1,500 150%
Students $600 $600
ZERO $0 $0