Original Budget Highlights

The 2017 budget of $132,900 reflects just an increase of $600 over 2016. The General Offering accounts for 57% of total revenue projections, with outside personal support at 30% and partnerships accounting for 13%. The 2016 missions giving forecast was lowered to 10% of general offering receipts, but is back at 15% for 2017. Missions giving includes national/state (7%), and local (3%) partnerships, support for global missions via the Lottie Moon (1%), Annie Armstrong (1%), and Indiana State Missions (0.5%) offerings, as well as supporting church planting in Tipton (1%) and other local opportunities (1.5%) such as addiction recovery programs and homeless relief. Administrative costs are up 62% due to increasing insurance costs, and additional accounting and church management software services. Staff budget includes a 2.5% COLA for our three pastors, an increase in health insurance premiums, and compensation for a few additional part time hours. The ministry budget (SHO GRO) drops only $208 as well as lowered BCM funding matched to reduced partner support. For 2017, a mandatory 10% savings has been removed from the budget and all unused revenue will be allocated into cash reserves.


$133K budget unanimously approved on December 11, 2016.

2017 Budget

CATEGORY 2016 2017 %
INCOME $132,300 $132,900 0%
Partners $15,700 $17,700 13%
Supporters $36,600 $39,200 7%
General Offering $80,000 $76,000 -5%
EXPENSE $124,300 $132,900 7%
GIVE 15% $8,000 $11,400 43%
Missions Partnerships $8,000 $7,600
Missions Offerings $0 $1,900
Missions Opportunities $0 $1,900
KNO $109,292 $116,200 6%
Administrative $3,600 $5,832 62%
Facility $10,000 $9,600 -4%
Total Staff $95,692 $100,768 5%
Non Housing $63,331 $65,908
Lead Pastor Housing $17,500 $17,500
Assoc. Pastor Housing $10,861 $13,360
Student Pastor Housing $4,000 $4,000
SHO $3,608 $2,200 -39%
BCM $3,000 $1,500
Communications $0 $100
Hospitality $608 $600
Seed 2% $0 $0
GRO $3,400 $3,100 -9%
Creative Arts $1,800 $1,800
Creative ArtsClasses $100 $100
Fellowship $300 $300
Groups $0 $0
Kids $600 $600
Students $600 $300
SAVINGS $8,000 $0
Cash Reserves 10% $8,000 $0