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GOD OF ALL COMFORT? Really? Why is life full of discomfort? Our common view of comfort today is based more on emotional results and deliverance than on God Himself. God has Paul write this letter for the church so that we can truly know the One who will come along side us, the GOD OF ALL COMFORT. #2corinthians #2023



Thank you God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ that you came from heaven to earth to come along side us and bring us your comfort. Lord would you help us to work together with You, as we appeal to others like Paul, “Don’t receive God’s grace in vain.” Would we not grieve the Holy Spirit but instead rejoice with the angels every time a sinner, even if it is us, repents. Help us to realize that whatever grief we have in light of your grace and eternity it is only for a little while. May we rejoice in all things because we understand all that we have been given and promised. May we be a people who are Grieving Yet Always Rejoicing.

Study Questions

Paul, an apostle, is writing God’s word to a church just a few years old that he founded and then left to plant other churches. The church has encountered numerous problems from inside and outside the church. Other self appointed leaders have worked to undermine Paul’s influence and God’s authority so they could substitute their own. God has Paul write to deal with these issues and help the church deal with the problems they are having like holiness and hardship, generosity and church order, and their testimony to the non‐Christians around them. He wants them to know and cling to the GOD OF ALL COMFORT.

The word comfort God has Paul use is not a feeling or a deliverance from circumstances. It is the word Paraklesis which means to come along side. It is the same root word Jesus uses for the advocate and counselor the Holy Spirit (John 14:16, 26). God wants to come along side us through life feeling what He feels and becoming more like He is so that we can know and show others the GOD OF ALL COMFORT.

READ: 2 Corinthians 5:19-6:1-13

  1. As believers, we are commanded to be urgent agents of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:19-6:1).
    1. How is being God’s agent likely to impact your daily life especially what what grieves you and what causes you to rejoice?
    2. How did being an agent of reconciliation impact Paul’s life according to this passage?
  2. Why do you think God has Paul quote Isaiah 49:7-8 in 2 Cor 6:1-2?
  3. Why does God urge people to trust him now? Why must we not delay in responding to Him?
  4. In light of 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, READ **Hebrews 3:7-15** which is also Psalm 95:7-11.
    1. Why is it vital that we continually remind people and ourselves of our need for the good news that only Yahweh Saves (Jesus) who is our Messiah (Christ)?

In 2 Cor 6:4-10, Paul gives a list of ways that he has commended himself to the reality of serving Christ and God’s people the church.

  1. How many of the things on this list have you known in your own experience?
    1. Which of these do you think we should expect to be part of our Christian experience?
    2. Why aren’t all the things on this list typically the experience of western culture Christians?
  2. How is commending ourselves to this list, like Paul, essential if we are going to be people with wide open hearts to God and others? (2 Cor 6:11-13)
  3. How do our affections (2 Cor 6:12)…
    1. …limit us from all that God has for us?
    2. …impact our grieving and rejoicing?
  4. How do the things on Pau’s list help open us up and cure us of our limiting affections?

READ: 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1